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We went on the #liliactrip, and we loved it

Writer: Conan PRConan PR

That's how it was on the #liliactrip at the end of September when we enjoyed perfect weather for exploring Transylvania with our guests.

Așa a fost în #liliactrip la final de septembrie, când am prins vreme numai bună de vizitat Transilvania alături de invitații noștri.

Our journey was supported by BMW Romania, who took us along the Transylvanian roads, and Hotel PRIVO, which made our stay in Târgu Mureș a dream.

At the Liliac Lodge in Batoș, we met Răzvan Idicel, Mirdatod Ibăneşti, and Petry - meat and deli, who served us delicious dishes prepared with care and passion.

And in this way, we thank everyone who participated and made this #liliactrip a perfect 10!


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